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The Component Warehouse allows you to include detailed information about the components used in the installation in the prepared offer.

There is a possibility to choose a component from the components database available in the application. If our component is not available in the database or if we want to create a components base that we use most often, there is a possibility to create a company price list which our employees will have access to.

We can go to the components base and the price list from the application's startup page. The price list icon can be found in the menu on the left side.

Warehouse - selecting from the menu

Adding Components

After clicking on the price list menu, an individual account price list will be displayed, which any authorized user can freely edit in such a way to make future design more efficient.

In the price list, it is possible to add any type of component along with filling out its parameters.

Warehouse - point to tabs in view

After adding the manufacturer's name of a given component, it is possible to fill in detailed information about the component.

Warehouse - indicate add button position

Warehouse - view of add component popup

The Product Catalogue is a tab where all the components available in the base are located.

Warehouse - transition to global catalog

Example of Component Selection Use

The manufacturer's search engine makes it easier to use the catalog. We can add a component from the base to our price list.

Warehouse - presentation of search

During the creation of a project, when choosing components, it is possible to use the individual price list or the product catalogue.

Warehouse - use during simple designing

Warehouse - view of component selection popup from warehouse